Let's Take the Kids Travel Agency - family travel specialists

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Contact Info - find out how to get in touch with us

Our Family Logo
70 Billings Ave, 
Ottawa, Ontario,
Canada, K1H 5K7
Tel: 613 594-5633.
Fax: 613 594-3316.

Office Hours:
Mon-Fri: 9.30-5.00
(other hours by appointment only)
Sat, Sun - Closed 
(all times E.S.T)



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You are here: Favourite Family Destinations

Favourite Family Destinations

Where to go?
Some family travelers contact us knowing exactly where they want to go. Many family travelers know they want to go somewhere with their family, but haven't any idea as to their destination. Does that sound like you?

We included the next pages to help you "get an idea" of different destinations and what they have to offer. 

What will affect my choice?
The three main factors that will affect your choices are:

  • Your family's interests, 

  • Your available budget, 

  • Your dates and other time constraints, including suitability of flight schedules.

Descriptions on the following pages will reflect how these three factors may influence your choice of destination.

For simplicity's sake we have categorised family vacations to include:

All underlined destinations on these pages link to additional pages - many have articles written by our agents.

[Please note that we are travel agents specializing in family travel not travel-guide writers. These articles are included on our website as a guide to assist you with your decision making process and all have been personally checked out.]

The perennial family favourite Walt Disney World has a whole section devoted to our tips on choosing, planning, surviving and even enjoying(!) your family's Walt Disney vacation.

We would like to remind you about the "Destination Shortcut" menu found at the top of each page. This is a convenient way to easily navigate to the destinations which we feature.

On to Sun Destinations>










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