Let's Take the Kids Travel Agency - family travel specialists

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Contact Info - find out how to get in touch with us

Our Family Logo
70 Billings Ave, 
Ottawa, Ontario,
Canada, K1H 5K7
Tel: 613 594-5633.
Fax: 613 594-3316.

Office Hours:
Mon-Fri: 9.30-5.00
(other hours by appointment only)
Sat, Sun - Closed 
(all times E.S.T)



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Contact Us

Since June 2008 we have been operating from our new location...
(we were formerly in the Bell Canada building, 160 Elgin Street)

Map of 70 Billings Ave, Ottawa, ON, K1H 8C8

Our new location is 70 Billings Avenue, the 2nd house from the corner of Riverside Drive, alongside the Ottawa Hospital Riverside Campus. Often you’ll see the “Let’s Take the Kids Travel”  Car parked out front. If the car is not there, look for the red garage door...

if you park on the street you are likely to get a ticket...

Directions from Bank Street:
Go East on Riverside approx 1 km, just past the traffic lights at Pleasant Park. Billings Avenue is the next street on the right, just before the hospital access road. 

Directions from Smyth Road:
Going West on Riverside, you will need to make a U-turn at the traffic lights at Pleasant Park, and then take the next right onto Billings Avenue. 

You can also get personalised driving directions/maps using Mapquest (this link is pre-populated with our address).

Access from OC Transpo public transportation:
Take any bus that takes the Transitway. Get off at "Pleasant Park" station. Walk North on Pleasant Park (towards Riverside) and turn right on Leslie Ave. Walk 100 meters, and turn left on Billings. The house is 100 meters on the left. Total walking time, approx 2 mins.

By phone at (613) 594-5633:
We welcome your call. We know that this website cannot answer all of your questions, so by all means call to speak to one of our experienced agents. Please tell us that you have seen our website.

When you call, have ready as many specifics as possible for your proposed vacation - (dates of travel, number of people, preferred destinations, suggested budget etc.). This will really help our agents. 

BUT PLEASE! PLEASE!! PLEASE!!! don't call us along with 10 other agencies just to try and find the absolute cheapest price. This is unfair to us (and the other agencies), all of whom will be working on your behalf. If you like what you've seen about us on this website, then give us a chance to use our specialised knowledge for your benefit. We pride ourselves on our ability to offer you complete, individually planned holidays and excellent service. We are travel professionals, not "discounters". 

Our agents have their own email addresses if you need to contact one of them directly.

Feedback Form
Tell us how your holiday went. Would you recommend it to others? How did we do? CLICK HERE








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