Let's Take the Kids Travel Agency - family travel specialists

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Contact Info - find out how to get in touch with us

Our Family Logo
70 Billings Ave, 
Ottawa, Ontario,
Canada, K1H 5K7
Tel: 613 594-5633.
Fax: 613 594-3316.

Office Hours:
Mon-Fri: 9.30-5.00
(other hours by appointment only)
Sat, Sun - Closed 
(all times E.S.T)



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You are here: Book Online

Book Online

Finally! Now you can search for pricing and/or even book your own vacation, and still have it booked with your favourite travel agency. Now we are never closed, we don't sleep, and we never go on holiday!

Click to jump straight to the booking tool

Looking & Booking:
Many, (though by no means all), of our vacations can be searched and even booked via our brand-new booking tool. This is a robust and relatively simple system, similar to many/most travel websites in Canada. 

A really nice feature is the ability to easily connect to hotel rating/review site Monarc.ca which aims to be an improvement on TripAdvisor by only offering Canadian reviews from people that can prove that they have actually stayed at the hotel they are reviewing.

Please note: 
We are not able to add our own enhancements to this system, so it will search all properties that are available, whether or not we might actually "recommend" them. If you wish to use our agents' specialist knowledge, you'll need to contact us directly as before! 

The vacations that will probably not be the most suitable for booking via the looking/booking engine might be:

Walt Disney Travel bookings
Club Med bookings
FDR resort in Jamaica
Beaches Resort bookings

Essentially, these are either not offered in the system, or, if they are, we have other - better - ways that we might usually book them (for better pricing, better terms & conditions, more flexibility etc.etc)

Technical Note:
The search engine will "time-out" after one hour and the booking engine will "time-out" after 10 minutes from the time an actual booking is started, so please bear that in mind! If this happens you will need to completely close the window (or tab) that you are using, and start over. Sorry, but there is nothing we can do about that!

By phone at (613) 594-5633:
We welcome your call. We know that this website cannot answer all of your questions, so by all means call to speak to one of our experienced agents. Please tell us that you have seen our website.

When you call, have ready as many specifics as possible for your proposed vacation - (dates of travel, number of people, preferred destinations, suggested budget etc.). This will really help our agents. 

Our agents have their own email addresses if you need to contact one of them directly.








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